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Environment, Health and Safety

What we stand for

At Xellia Pharmaceuticals, our Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) and Quality groups work closely together to ensure compliance, manage risks and drive culture. By adhering to our stringent internal policies and standards, we can ensure that we protect our employees while we produce safe, reliable products that help improve quality of life for patients around the world.

We understand the importance of preserving our environment and actively take responsibility to minimize any impact we may have. We are continuously searching for ways to improve our operations, products and services to ensure that we are using chemicals and natural resources responsibly. 


We strive to ensure that both people and products are protected against exposure and contamination.

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We are highly committed to operating in a sustainable way and reducing our carbon footprint.

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Compliance with all environmental, health and safety laws, and our internal EHS standards are vital to our business.

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Xellia's EHS management systems create the framework for effective programs to identify and mitigate risk and potential environmental impact.

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Our EHS policy

We are committed to providing a safe work environment for our operations and minimizing our environmental impact by being a conscientious company that strives for sustainability.

To achieve this, we continue to:

  • Integrate EHS safety considerations into our business planning and decision making.
  • Establish management systems to manage risks and drive performance improvement.
  • Establish key performance indicators to improve the level of performance and ensure compliance with legal and other applicable requirements.
  • Perform internal audits to achieve compliance with annually set EHS KPI’s, internal EHS standards and implemented management systems.
  • Promote a culture in which all employees take personal responsibility for EHS management.
  • Encourage dialogue with our stakeholders and openly communicating our EHS goals and performance.